Lucas Pantaleon
Board-Certified Large Animal Internal Medicine Specialist
Lucas was born in Argentina where he attended Veterinary School in Buenos Aires. After graduating, in 2001, he came to the US for an internship and fellowship in equine reproduction and medicine at Haygard Equine Medical Institute in Kentucky. Lucas then specialized in Large Animal Internal Medicine and did a Masters in Veterinary Science at the Marion duPont Scott Equine Medical Center, an affiliate of Virginia Tech University. Back in Kentucky, Lucas developed and lead the internal medicine department at Woodford Equine Hospital. He was also in charge of implementing infection prevention and biosecurity protocols and training. Lucas made a professional transition whilst doing an MBA and dedicated himself to consulting in different sectors of animal health. Lucas is passionate about blending science and business, as well as cross learning and applying concepts from human health care into veterinary medicine.
Master of Business Administration, 2013
Isenberg School of Management
University of Massachusetts at Amherst
Certification, Educational Commission for Foreign Veterinary Graduates, 2006
American Veterinary Medical Association
Diplomate, Large Animal Internal Medicine, 2005
American College of Veterinary Internal Medicine
Master of Science, Biomedical and Veterinary Science, 2005
Marion duPont Scott Equine Medical Center
Thesis topic: Cardiovascular and Hematological Effects of Hetastarch and
Hypertonic Saline Solutions during Experimental Endotoxemia in Horses.
Residency, Equine Internal Medicine, 2002 to 2005
Marion DuPont Equine Medical Center
Equine Intern & Fellowship, 2001 to 2002
Hagyard Equine Medical Institute – Lexington, KY
Veterinarian (Specialty: Large Animal), 1999
University of Buenos Aires
Volunteer and Leadership
National Institute of Antimicrobial Resistance Research and Education (NIAMRRE)
Advisory Council – (Mar. 2022 – Present)
To drive cross sector engagement and coordinate action to combat antibiotic resistance.
American College Veterinary of Veterinary Internal Medicine
Membership Committee Member – (Mar. 2014 to Jun. 2019)
Membership Committed Co-Chair – (Jun. 2019 – Jan, 2022)
Membership Committed Chair – (Jan, 2022 - Present)
To ensure the development and implementation of a membership outreach strategy and responsible for internal ACVIM communications
National Institute for Animal Agriculture
Member Board Of Directors – Executive Committee - (Apr. 2017 to Present)
NIAA’s purpose is to provide a forum to facilitate and engage industry leaders and organizations to derive solutions on the most current issues in animal agriculture.
I am part of a multidisciplinary team involved with issues related to animal agriculture such as:
§ Animal Traceability
§ Antimicrobial Resistance
§ Antibiotic Stewardship
§ Consumer behavior and education
§ Animal Emergency Management
USDA NIFA Coordinated Agricultural Project - Protecting Heard Health
Advisor – (Jan. 2018 to Dec. 2018)
A human behavioral approach to reducing the impact of livestock pest or disease incursions of socio-economic importance
Veterinary Specialists Outreach & Awareness Project (VetSOAP)
Advisory Council Member – (May 2017 to May 2020)
To achieve optimal health care for animals, advance the veterinary profession, and evolve the relationship between primary care veterinarians and specialists.
Pantaleon L. The Next Pandemic: Antibiotic Resistance. In proceedings 2022 ACVIM Forum. Austin TX. June 2022.
Houser W., Pantaleon L. Beyond Wellness Plans. Today’s Veterinary Business. Feb-Mar 2021
Pantaleon L., Lewis H. Review of Equine Hospital Design Techniques for Controlling Infectious Disease. In proceedings 66th Annual AAEP Virtual Convention. December 2020.
Pantaleon L Antibiotics: a one health perspective. In Proceedings 2020 AABP Annual Virtual Conference. September 2020
Pantaleon L How outcomes measures could improve patient care. In Proceedings 2020 ACVIM Forum. Virtual On Demand. June 2020
Pantaleon L. Why measuring outcomes is important in health care. Journal of veterinary internal medicine 2019.
Pantaleon L. Infection Prevention, A One Health Perspective. In Proceedings 2019 VMX Conference. Orlando, FL. January 2019.
Pantaleon L. Leadership and Culture: Is this important for disease prevention? In Proceedings 2019 VMX Conference. Orlando, FL. January 2019.
Pantaleon L. When Sh… Hits the fan! Prevent Diseases of GI Origin. In Proceedings 2019 VMX Conference. Orlando, FL. January 2019.
Pantaleon L. Could Value-Based Veterinary Care Become the Future Standard of Care? American Veterinarian. April 2018; 3 (3), 32.
Pantaleon L. The Environment as a Source of Infectious Diseases in Humans and Animals. In: Proceedings of 2016 ACVIM Forum. Denver, CO. June 2016.
Pantaleon L. The Importance of Biosecurity. 10th IEIDC Abstracts / Journal of Equine Veterinary Science 39 – 2016 – S2-S6
Pantaleon L. Why do we need to monitor and ‘treat” the environment? 10th IEIDC Abstracts / Journal of Equine Veterinary Science 39 – 2016 – S2-S6
Pantaleon L. Biosecurity Implementation, a cultural change. In: Proceedings of 2015 CVMA Conference. Calgary, AL. July 2015.
Pantaleon L. The importance of the environment in the transmission of pathogens. In: Proceedings of 2015 CVMA Conference. Calgary, AL. July 2015.
Pantaleon L. Review on disinfectants: What do we know? Why is it important? In: Proceedings of 2015 CVMA Conference. Calgary, AL. July 2015.
Pantaleon L. How we can maximize the value of ACVIM Specialists. In: Proceedings of 2015 ACVIM Forum. Indianapolis, IN. June 2015
Hallowell G., Pantaleon L. Fluid therapy and GI disease. In: Proceedings of 2015 ACVIM Forum. Indianapolis, IN. June 2015
Pantaleon L. Colloids. In: Fielding L and Magdesian G ed. Equine Fluid Therapy. Wiley Blackwell; 2015:312-322.
A. Borchers, P. A. Wilkins, P. M. Marsh, J. E. Axon, J. Read, C. Castagnetti, L. Pantaleon, C. Clark, L. Qura'n, R. Belgrave, C. Schwarzwald, M. Levy, D. Bedenice, M. N. Saulez and R. C. Boston. Sequential L-lactate concentration in hospitalised equine neonates: A prospective multicentre study. Equine Veterinary Journal 2013, 45 (Suppl. 45), 2-7.
Pantaleon L. New environmental disinfectant technology, a brief review. 9th ICEID Abstracts. Journal of Equine Veterinary Science 2012, 32, S3-S95.
Furr M; Cohen N; Sanchez C; Axon J; Haggett E; Pantaleon L; Campbell R; Tennent-Brown B. Treatment with histamine-type 2 receptor antagonists and omeprazole increase the risk of diarrhoea in neonatal foals treated in an ICU. Equine Veterinary Journal 2012, 44 (Suppl. 41), 80-86.
Borchers A; Wilkins P; Marsh P; Axon J; Read J; Castagnetti C; Pantaleon L; Clark C; Qura'n L; Belgrave R; Trachsel D; Levy M; Bedenice D; Saulez, M; Boston R. Admission L-lactate concentration in hospitalized equine neonates: A prospective multicenter study. Equine Veterinary Journal 2012, 44 (Suppl. 41), 57-63.
Pantaleon LG. Review: Small Volume Resuscitation in Equids. In: proceedings of 29th ACVIM Forum, Denver; CO. June 2011.
Pantaleon LG. Fluid Therapy in Equine Patients: Small-Volume Fluid Resuscitation. Compendium Continuing Education Veterinarians, October 2010, 32 (10), E1-E7.
Borchers A, Wilkins PA, Marsh PM, Axon JA; Read J; Castagnetti C; Pantaleon LG; et al. Survival and Major Diagnosis of Sick Neonatal Foals are Associated with L- Lactate Concentration: Preliminary Results of a Large Prospective Multicenter Study. In: Veterinary Emergency and Critical Care Society, San Antonio, TX. September 2010.
Cesar FB, Johnson CR, Pantaleon LG. Suspected idiopathic intestinal lymphangiectasia in two foals with chylous peritoneal effusion. Equine Veterinary Education 2010; 22 (4), 172-178.
Zent W, Pantaleon L. The pregnant mare. In: McAuliffe S, Slovis N, ed. Color atlas of diseases and disorders of the foal. New York: Elsevier Saunders; 2008:1-21.
Pantaleon LG, Furr MO, McKenzie HC, Donaldson LD. Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Effects of Hetastarch plus Hypertonic Saline Solutions during Experimental Endotoxemia in Anesthetized Horses. J Vet Intern Med 2006; 20 (6), 1422-1428
Pantaleon LG, Furr MO, McKenzie HC, Donaldson LD. Abstract: Cardio Pulmonary Effects of Small Volume Resuscitation in Anesthetized Horses. J Vet Intern Med 2006; 20 (3), 742
Pantaleon LG, Bain FT, Zent W, Powell DG. Equine Fetal Growth and Development. Compendium 2003; 25 (6), 470-477